Jasper & Veron: A Love That Keeps on Giving

May 10, 2023


DR: Jasper, how did you learn about Darry Ring?


Jasper: I've been using Tiktok for years so I knew about DR through the advertisement campaigns on TikTok.


DR: What made you choose Darry Ring?


Jasper: I was impressed by the advertising and the message. Another reason---a big reason was the design of the rings. They’re really impressive. Then I found out that the rings are a great value and really affordable.


DR: Why did you choose this style for Veron?


Jasper: Veron is the type of person who appreciates simplicity and elegance. I knew she would like a classic design and I think DR managed to capture exactly what she wanted. 


true love couple


DR: How did you get to know each other?


Jasper: We met each other in school, maybe about 10 years ago.


DR: How long have you been together?


Jasper: This will be our 6th year together.


DR: Is there a deeply memorable moment in your relationship?


Jasper: I don’t think there was a specific moment that made me feel I must marry her. One random day I decided to look back on our relationship and it made me realize how much she has supported me over our years together and that day I decided she is someone I need to keep beside me and to protect her for life.


true love couple


DR: What specifically made you ask her to marry you?


Jasper: The long-term companionship and understanding are what I needed and wanted from a partner. We are there for each other, for always.