Julio & Sira: A Lifetime Commitment with a Darry Ring

Mar 14, 2022


Julio had planned a surprise birthday party Sira’s birthday. An even bigger surprise was his proposal of marriage and his exquisite Darry Ring engagement ring. “I wanted something really unique and meaningful.” Julio and Sira were from Spain, and they met in their college in London. “She was my hope when we were studying in London. I wasn’t very confident because I was timid, and I wasn’t good at language.” When Julio found Darry Ring, which has a specific strict rule that you can only customize for true love, he believed that was what he wanted, to help express his unbreakable commitment and promise to Sira.


“DR’s approach is the same as mine, to my one & only. I want to give her all of my life, with the determination of being together forever.” A lifetime commitment, a lifetime engagement ring, and an agreement that must not be changed or deleted. That’s an unchanging bond for Julio and Sira, and for all other couples like them.