Wedding Ring Fingers: Everything You Need to Know

Sep 22,2023

Marriage, a significant milestone in one's life, is often accompanied by many questions. "What finger does a wedding ring go on?" is one of the most frequently asked. Though there's a traditional answer rooted in history, the diverse world has given it new and more interpretations. To help you fully address the query, this article will guide you through all the things about wedding ring finger for female and male, as well as the different options based on religious traditions. Let's take a closer look!

wedding ring finger for female and male

Which Finger Does a Wedding Ring Go on?

The quick answer is usually the left hand, specifically the fourth finger, also known as the ring finger. True to its name, this finger is traditionally reserved for engagement and wedding rings. However, the wedding ring finger can also vary between men and women because of geographical and cultural differences.

Wedding Ring Finger for Female

As noted, women usually wear wedding rings on the left ring finger when it comes to the question of what finger a wedding ring goes on. This is a conventional practice, accepted in most American and European countries, such as the United States, England, Canada, Italy, France, Mexico, etc., and continues to this day.

However, in countries like China, the wedding ring finger for female is the right ring finger due to the saying "men on the left, women on the right". This makes sense, as when couples hold hands, their wedding rings can sit side by side.

Similarly, in Russia, Greece, Serbia, Ukraine, Colombia, Cuba, Peru, and some countries influenced by Catholicism like Austria, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Norway, and Poland, women also go wedding rings on the right ring finger. This is also true in India, where the left hand was once considered unlucky or dirty..

wedding ring finger for female

Wedding Ring Finger for Male

wedding ring finger for male

Men usually wear wedding rings on the ring finger of the left hand, in keeping with the custom of wedding ring finger for female.

At first, married men did not wear wedding rings. It wasn’t until World War II that the custom was passed on by men who fought in the war by wearing a wedding ring as a token of loyalty and thought for their wives.

In most American and European countries, the left ring finger is considered as the wedding ring finger for male. However, in some traditional Orthodox European and Catholic countries, men wear wedding rings on the right finger to honor their religious traditions and background. Grooms in India also choose the fourth finger of the right hand as the wedding ring finger, as do brides.

LGBTQ Wedding Ring Finger

Since the ruling legalized same-sex marriage as a constitutional right, many LGBTQ+ couples have followed tradition by wearing their wedding rings on the left-hand fourth finger. Some partners, however, buck this wedding ring trend and consider the right ring finger instead.

Meanwhile, the middle finger is an option as well to imply sexual orientation and raise awareness about inequality. Despite the diversity in wedding ring finger choices within the LGBTQ+ community, what truly matters is the love and the commitment to a long-term monogamous relationship.

gay wedding ring finger

Why is the Wedding Ring Worn on the Left Hand?

The practice of wearing a wedding ring on the left ring finger dates back to ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. At that time, the Romans believed that the left-hand fourth finger had a vein leading to the heart, called vena amoris (Latin for "vein of love"). Wearing a ring on this symbolic finger is widely seen as a connection in the hearts of two lovers, expressing the most sincere love and affection.

Although modern anatomy has proven this belief to be without scientific basis, centuries of tradition and the consensus among the majority have naturally established the left ring finger as the designated finger for wedding rings. This is also a result of the heart being portrayed as a symbol of romance and love in literature and art.

Wedding Ring Fingers from a Religious Perspective

Beyond the conventional choice of the left ring finger and personalized styles, different religions also have varying interpretations of "What finger does a wedding ring go on". If you or your partner are devout followers of a particular faith, these guidelines are worth considering.

Christianity: The wedding ring is worn on the right hand, while the engagement ring is on the left-hand ring finger;

Protestantism: The wedding ring finger follows the Christian tradition, as Protestantism is one of its largest denominations;

Jewish: The wedding ring is worn on the index finger of the right hand in Jewish tradition;

Islam: The Islamic wedding ring finger for women can be any finger, men traditionally wear the ring on the index or middle finger.

stackable wedding ring and engagement ring

Darry Ring for Wedding Ring Fingers

Overall, there's no fixed answer to the question of what finger does a wedding ring go on — only traditions to follow. The choice varies with culture, religion, and personal style. However, one thing remains certain: the perfect wedding ring becomes a timeless symbol of a love meant to last forever. You can choose a high-quality and exquisite diamond wedding ring to express your love.

If you're unsure about where to start or how to choose, consider Darry Ring. Unlike typical jewelry brands, Darry Ring offers something unique. It offers wedding rings exclusively for your one love, reflecting the "Buy for One Person in a Lifetime" philosophy. With exclusive ID verification to honor and protect true love, Darry Ring genuinely hopes your relationship will lead to happily ever after.

FAQs About Wedding Ring Fingers

What does wedding ring finger mean?

The wedding ring finger is the left ring finger, as it is believed to have a vein directly connected to the heart, symbolizing a bond between lovers' hearts through the ring. This tradition dates back to ancient Rome. Today, if you wear a ring on this finger, it clearly signifies that you're not only taken but also married.

Which goes first engagement ring and wedding ring?

The common answer is that the engagement ring is on the top of the wedding ring, symbolizing the greater significance of marriage and placing it closer to the heart. But it is not a universal rule. You are free to adjust the order based on your culture, customs, or personal preference. For more specific guidance, you may want to explore Expert Advice: Which Goes First Engagement and Wedding Ring.

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